Cement Additive - Concrete Admixture
There are concrete admixtures and there are cement additives. Cement additives are added in the cement manufacturing process, while the addition of concrete admixtures occurs when making concrete mixtures.
Chemical admixtures for concrete are often referred to as concrete additives or concrete admixtures, synonymously. However, it is incorrect to refer to cement additives as cement admixtures. (See Cement Additives and Concrete Admixtures here)
Concrete admixtures are ingredients added to concrete that alter fresh and hardened properties of the concrete. Cement is the primary binding ingredient of concrete. Cement is manufactured by grinding cement clinker with gypsum and various other materials such as natural pozzolans, fly ashes, ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume and limestone powder. Cement clinker is the primary constituent (85%) of cement and is a kiln-fired combination of limestone and clay. There are several types of specialized cement clinker with varying mineral and chemical compositions designed for specific purposes. The most common cement, Portland cement, is used in most concrete projects throughout the world.

Highway-building projects source local cement and aggregates and use local concrete plants for the mass quantities required for the many miles of roadways installed or maintained annually. These same municipal, county and state DOT projects use EdenCrete® liquid carbon nanotube admixture to improve both fresh and hardened concrete properties. Highway, bridge, drainage and road cut projects all demonstrate the versatility of EdenCrete®.

Cement additives and concrete admixtures have enabled engineers and architects to design commercial and industrial buildings differently. Location and climate play a significant role in determining specifications of the concrete used in each facet of a construction project. EdenCrete®, the liquid carbon nanotube concrete admixture is used in concrete construction because of its multi-faceted improvements in fresh and hardened properties of concrete.

Installation of concrete swimming pools use shotcrete, which is a form of pumped concrete that is sprayed onto a form fabricated with a reinforced metal cage. Pumping shotcrete that flows well reduces the pressure (PSI) required to push the concrete. Shooting shotcrete requires a mix that is sticky and ideally has low overspray. The shotcrete must carve easily once applied to vertical surfaces and have low permeability. EdenCrete® liquid carbon nanotube concrete admixture helps professional pool installers achieve quality results by improving the shotcrete’s properties in all those ways.

Residential construction including home building, roadways, drainage systems, driveways, patios, retaining walls, and masonry features all use concrete or mortar with varying fresh and hardened properties. EdenCrete®, a unique liquid carbon nanotube concrete admixture, improves placement, finish, set, hardening, durability, and cracking/scaling resistance. Home builders and home owners are able to add EdenCrete® directly into the mix prior to pouring/pumping on the jobsite.